By Shawn Shi | 05 May 2023 | 0 Comments

Air Filtration: The Key to Reducing Airborne Molecular Contamination Risk in Microelectronics Produc

Air filtration is crucial in microelectronics production.

Airborne molecular contamination (AMC) can cause significant problems and can lead to costly production errors.

In this article, I will explain how air filtration reduces the risk of AMC and why it is essential for microelectronics production.

What is Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC)?

Airborne molecular contamination (AMC) refers to the presence of molecular-sized particles in the air.

These particles can come from various sources, including:

  • Chemical processes
  • Outgassing of materials
  • Human activities
  • Environmental factors

AMC can cause significant problems in microelectronics production, as it can interfere with the manufacturing process and lead to device failure.

How Does Air Filtration Reduce AMC Risk?

Air filtration is a critical component in reducing AMC risk in microelectronics production.

Here's how:

1. Filtration of Airborne Particles

Air filters capture airborne particles, including molecular-sized particles.

By trapping these particles, air filters prevent them from contaminating the production environment.

Filters are available in different designs and classes to meet specific application requirements.

The most common types of filters used in microelectronics production include:

  • HEPA filters
  • ULPA filters
  • Bag filters
  • V-shaped header frame filters
  • Pleated panels
  • Media rolls or pads

2. Removal of Gaseous Contaminants

Air filters can also remove gaseous contaminants from the air.

Gaseous contaminants are molecules that can cause AMC, such as:

  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Acid gases- Ammonia- Hydrogen sulfide

Filters that remove gaseous contaminants are known as adsorption filters.

These filters use activated carbon or other adsorbent materials to remove gaseous contaminants from the air.

3. Control of Airflow

Air filtration systems can also control the airflow in the production environment.

By controlling the direction and velocity of the air, air filtration systems can prevent contaminants from entering the production environment or moving from one area to another.

Why is Air Filtration Essential for Microelectronics Production?

Air filtration is essential for microelectronics production for several reasons:

1. Protecting Sensitive Components

Microelectronics production involves the manufacturing of sensitive components that can be easily damaged by AMC.

Air filtration systems protect these components by removing airborne particles and gaseous contaminants from the air.

2. Ensuring Consistent Production Quality

AMC can cause production errors that can lead to device failure.

By reducing AMC risk, air filtration systems ensure consistent production quality and prevent costly errors.

3. Meeting Industry Standards

Microelectronics production is subject to strict industry standards, such as ISO 14644 and SEMI S2.

Air filtration systems are essential in meeting these standards and ensuring compliance with regulations.


Air filtration is crucial in microelectronics production, as it reduces the risk of airborne molecular contamination (AMC).

By filtering airborne particles, removing gaseous contaminants, and controlling airflow, air filtration systems protect sensitive components, ensure consistent production quality, and meet industry standards.

If you're involved in microelectronics production, make sure you invest in high-quality air filtration systems to reduce AMC risk and ensure the success of your operations.

We at AIRY Filter Media Co., specialize in industrial air filter (media) that ensures a clean and safe work environment.

Our team has years of experience and we're committed to providing the best solutions for our clients.

If you're interested in learning more, let's chat!"

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